Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Emotional Undressing

I enjoy arguing with my undergrad buddies better than most things in my life.

I consider myself so blessed to have found a group of people so passionate, so opinionated, so honest, with whom no topic at all is taboo, whom I can be screaming at one minute, and toasting the next. No ill grudges or resentment. Disagreements...with respect.

Funnily enough, when I am the target of the character challenge, when I am emotionally undressed by these people, so to speak, I always come out on the other end feeling rejuvenated, refreshed, clean, knowing myself a little better.

Perhaps that's what security feels like...or love.

In any case, I look forward to Labour Day...I'm thinking beers at St. Elizabeth - is that still around?? Best patio...ever.

1 comment:

S'Mat said...

yay! best potato in town!