Saturday, July 15, 2006


I've always loved the idea of keeping a journal. When I was a kid I used to get these beautiful notebooks and I'd write in them for a little while, with these notions that I was being all profound and thoughtful. Then after a bit I'd just abandon them. My mother always gives me a rough time about being so enthusiastic at the beginning of a task, and then never finishing it.
So is this blog going to be any different?? Well, I'm abandoning the whole "dear diary" concept...not going with any sort of theme...I'm not particularly eloquent, not particularly creative, not particularly impassioned, not particularly disciplined...but I do have an awful lot of thoughts that rumble around in my mind, keeping me awake at night, that I would love to share with my friends that live too far away, and that I miss terribly. So perhaps this is a good way to share them, and to keep in touch...and perhaps I will keep it up...or perhaps I will abandon it. Sooner or later I'm going to have to stick with something. Right??


Eve said...

Nah. You don't really have to do anything. Just don't be so hard on yourself. Your 20's, I am learning, are a time of exploration and confusion. Just go with it, and take the accidental (or on purpose) moments of connectivity/joy/understanding as they come.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you're bored because you should be pregnant with your third child by now?

Lin-Zed said...

Bored?? Bored?? Who said anything about being bored?? My problem is sticking with my decisions...attention span...which would be a serious problem if I had children, doncha think?? Last time I checked the SPCA doesn't take in children that are no longer cute and entertaining!!