Friday, July 21, 2006

Approaching Redneck?? I've wholly welcomed country music and two-stepping into my life. This is not to say that I have any less appreciation for the music I used to listen to...but I've added country music...I can admit it (although I intensely dislike that "Save a Horse, ride a cowboy song"...intensely dislike).
But despite this foray into truck-driving, quad-riding, two-stepping, yeehawing redneck country, I consider myself to have remained relatively urban. However, what I am considering doing right now may be past the point of no return. I am considering getting my gun license?? Apparently on the farm there are gophers which people like to shoot (apparently they are a pain in the ass)...and apparently goose hunting is the thing to do. And for the record, I would pluck the goose myself...I can do it. But I'm told that you can pay $5 at the nearest Hutterite colony and they will pluck and butcher it for you - where am I living anyways?? (FYI, the Hutterites make absolutely fantastic Saskatoon Berry Pie...yum)
So my dad also needs to get my boating license so I can handle the sailboat by myself. I figure that maybe if I take the two simultaneously, the boating thing will dilute the sheer redneckness of the gun license...maybe??

1 comment:

S'Mat said...

saskatoon berry pie!!! oh my, here's to pierates roaming the prairies and eating da pies.
