Thursday, July 20, 2006

My Secret Addiction

I have a guilty secret....I am addicted to the shopping channel. I've never bought's not that kind of addiction. I just like to watch it. It's like a gory traffic accident for me, or an awful train wreck. I just can't help myself. I find it amusing, horrifying and completely is MY reality tv. Especially they clothing segments - about the only place on earth where someone will try and convince you to buy elastic waistband pants, and material described only as "slinky."'s great! Thankfully I don't have cable, so my opportunities to view are minimal...especially because for some reason no one else seems to share my passion and therefore cannot bear to watch with me. So it remains a a chocolate truffle or a spoonful of caviar, I suppose.
Hey...I KNOW how many are equally addicted to celebrity rags...because that is seriously quality reading material.

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