Friday, July 21, 2006

Canola fields and cloud gazing

I'm heading out to one of my friend's farms tomorrow this weekend. It's out in the middle of no where...nothing but fields of canola and the enormous Alberta sky surround it.
These are two of my absolute favorite things about Alberta. The canola fields are so incredibly beautiful; acres of brilliant a technicolor carpet. It calls to mind the vibrant picture of picked chili peppers in India, covering the ground, drying in the sun. But the image is soft, too...the stalks waving in the wind, the delicate flowers shivering in the breeze.
The sky is something that must be seen to be fully appreciated. I grew up in Vancouver, land of mountains and ocean and skyscrapers - sky, interrupted. Here it's different...the sky seems bigger, more expansive. Looking around, surrounded by flat flat prairie, you truly have an appreciation for the concavity of the atmosphere. It's quite humbling actually, how vast and enormous it is.
Yesterday afternoon after work I went to meet my friend for a game of tennis. I arrived early, or she was running late...not sure which, and so I lay down in the shade of a maple tree and stared up at the sky. There was no one around really...the odd magpie or squirrel to keep me company...and it was pretty awesome. It's been a long time since I've done that...just taken five minutes to stare up at the sky, and contemplate nothing but the shape of the clouds.

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