Thursday, July 27, 2006

One that really matters

I have a trial coming up...and I actually think that this guy is innocent of the charges he faces.
It's made me realize the freedom that comes with defending people who, more than likely, are guilty in whole, or in part.
There are all sorts of defences that you can run...factual, legal, constitutional...sometimes just poking holes in the Crown's case, raising reasonable doubt. My job is, quite simply, to make sure the Crown does their's, and to make sure that the rights of my client are protected. The funny thing is, that when I feel in my heart of hearts that they are guilty, I am so much calmer, I feel like I can be creative, and innovative, and just go all out, challenge the laws or whatever.
Now I have this guy who is actually innocent, albeit somewhat stupid, and I feel so anxious. Like if he is convicted, it will be my fault. Like if I don't handle the argument correctly, the judge will not be able to find reasonable doubt, and will convict him. Like if I don't control my witnesses the way I need to, things might come out in such a way that casts a negative light, and threaten their credibility.
It's a lot of pressure for this kid.
I worry that I'm going to screw it up.


Anonymous said...


Grae said...

Do you work a lawyerin' jawb? Haven't had to defend the innocent before?

and by the by, I'm noticing strange co-incidences with you. Your profile says your location is Calgary, which is where I'm from. It also mentions an apartment on Pine, half a block away from my apartment. And now you've writting that you spent your childhood in the gulf islands, where I spent a good deal of mine. AND you seem to know Steve and Tom, who I also know. Do I know you?

Lin-Zed said...

Actually, smart guy, my profile says Alberta, not Calgary...though you seem to reveal some interesting biases there.
Apartment on Pine, bien sur, but about four years ago...the place may be condemned by now. I spent my summers in the gulf islands...on a boat...AND I for sure know more about Steve and Tom then I could ever hope. (kidding, kidding...I love you boys!!)
To be honest, G, for a long time I actually thought you were someone else. But if you happen to be in the vicinity of the Montreal on the Labour Day weekend, perhaps we will meet.