Monday, September 11, 2006

Whirlwind weekend

Things are starting to settle in around here...everyone is back from summer holidays, classes have begun...and so have the debaucherous nights.

I had one of those nights that keeps morphing over and over again such that it feels like many nights on Friday. It was the night of the first party of the school year, one known for many shenanigans, and much alcohol, and many stories stemming from the fall out.

My evening began with a cup of tea with a friend of mine at my house, while I assembled an ensemble for the evening (evening #1).

Then off to dinner: pizza and pitchers at a local dive with a group of friends (evening #2).

Then a wild cab ride that involved cursing the cabby for taking the worst route imaginable and some wild gesturing and a poor tip as a result (evening #3).

Then the crazy party - cups (for beer) cost $5 - I got mine for a kiss...I figured that was a good bargain. Then beers were 4 for $10, and I, for the life of me, was unable to pay for a single I started unloading my drink tickets off on random strangers (evening #4).

Then there was an outside bit where the part of Lindz was played by some crazy flitting social butterfly where she talked to about a hundred and fifty people or so in the course of about forty five minutes. I remember much giggling but not much of what was actually said (evening #5).

Then there was a bit when Lindz ran into her two most favorite crazy boys with whom she has developed a tradition of naughtiness. The last time they were all together there was some breaking into horse paddocks and drunken bareback riding. This time poor innocent Lindz was convinced to steal a completely hideous fake flower arrangement from the pool bar across the street. So the three characters walk out of the bar nonchalantly (Lindz has the arrangement) and into the parking lot. Lindz's poor heart is racing...she has never so much as shoplifted some candy. And then, just when she thinks they are in the clear the bartender comes out and says, "excuse me"...and we turn around, flowers in hand and sweetly say, "yes."...and she says with a very strange look on her face, "Umm..can I have that"...and Lindz smiles big and innocent as if to on earth did these hideous flowers get into my hands, and says, "of course you can." And then we turn around and run away... And back at the party, Lindz is so excited about her adventure, and the crazy boys are telling the story as if it was the funniest thing ever, and then they accuse her of not completeing her mission because she got caught. But Lindz gets the last laugh...becuase in the midst of the adventure she popped a piece of pool chalk into her purse...and they never found that. Mission accomplished...the flowers were merely a decoy. (evening #6).

And then there was a dancing bit, which may or may not have involved some tango and some two stepping and maybe a dip or two. (evening #7).

And then Lindz saw some friends she hadn't seen all night, and they were off to Denny' she joined in and partook in a slammer, at 2AM. (evening #8).

And then Lindz was dropped off at home, and was about ready to step out of her heels, when her cell phone rang and the boy and his friends were on there way home from the bar, and on their way to a friend's house for drinks. So Lindz gave the kitten a kiss, turned around and walked back out her door and into the truck. And then the new crew made the long trek to the north side of the city, which admittedly is a bit of a black spot for poor Lindz...but she does remember it ending with a discovery that the owner of the home had forgotten her keys at her mother's house earlier that day.(evening #9)

Evening #10 involved breaking into said house through the window with the was a complete comedy of errors with airconditioners dropping, and people being hoisted and squeezing through openings far too small for them, and all the while an enormous American Bull Terrier (or standard or the other...he was huge)....running around our legs, whimpering and trying to figure out what was going on.

Evening #11 started with about a half a beer and then it was about four o'clock in the morning, and everyone went to bed. Evening #11 ended at 11AM the next morning when everyone awoke wondering where they were, with pasty mouths, overturned furniture, and a huge puddle on the floor where the airconditioner had leaked everywhere.

As for the fall out...well Lindz went to school today...and though this first party is infamous for the stories it generates...apparently none of them are about poor Lindz. This is excellent...apparently she behaved herself then.

1 comment:

S'Mat said...

poor poor lindz... only affects were mild personality dissociation, blatant acts of criminal activity and contempt for various forms of social contract. awesome! i always believed in you girl!!
ps. this really is one funny post you funnily posted, you funny poster you..