Monday, September 25, 2006

Little bits of Luxury

This is how my mind thought chains. Eve comments on my method of dressing a salad, I admit to learning it from Martha Stewart. I also learned how to fold fitted sheets from Martha Stewart. I have just recently purchased 400 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets.

Thus, the topic of this post. I love these sheets...I promptly went out and bought matching pillow cases, and also upped the thread count of my duvet cover. I never knew what I was missing. They're like the cashmere sweater of the linen world. They're so soft they're almost like satin...but cotton. I just love curling up in my bed now...just excellent.

I've also recently invested in new towels. Last year when I moved in I bought one of those 3 pack for 10 bucks towels at Superstore. Why do I really need soft towels, I thought. But then with the acquisition of the high thread count sheets I started to wonder...maybe I should invest in new towels.

The final straw came when I stayed at The Swamp in Montreal. boys live in a swamp, and yet your towels were far nicer and fluffier and softer and just better than mine. And that was it for me. If The Swamp has nice towels, than so should I. And so I went on a mission...and bought the softest, nicest, most expensive Egyptian cotton towels I could find. Hey...I've never really been one for moderation. Ahhh...they're huge and so soft and fluffy.

My quality of life has seriously increased. I've never had this stuff before. I never thought it was important. But these little bits of luxury just make me happy...randomly make me smile. A good investment I think.

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