Friday, September 15, 2006

The Road to Recovery

I have been sick sick sick these past few the kind of sick you'd imagine you might be if you happened to have a pandemic flu...or happened to be paranoid that you might have a pandemic flu.

I really am a crappy sick person though...I have zero sense of humor, and tend to wallow in self pity and whine and complain a lot. My friends only stopped by briefly to drop off OJ and gingerale and trashy magazines and other things that sick people enjoy, so Charlie took the brunt of the complaining. She withstood it well, mind you.

But my fever has broken...I feel like that should be a song...hmmm...

Oh...speaking of Charlie...she has developed a new habit...well 2 very cute...the other, not so cute. She is officially playing fetch now...but only at 5 AM. She wants to play, and I refuse to get out of she's figured out that she can bring the miniature foam soccer ball to me in bed and I will throw it for her. This is very cute, and I'm hoping that it will generalize to just regular play time. I'd like to have a soccer playing cat. Ok second habit...not so cute...she's taken to attacking feet and other moving parts under the covers....ok it is really cute to watch but in a stifle the laugh cause I'm gonna get in trouble if I don't scold her for it kind of way. This can be painful...unexpected, and potentially injurious. So far, nothing irreversible and I appreciate that the cat's got spunk, but I can see this having disastrous consequences. Any suggestions??

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