Thursday, August 03, 2006

It's Always Nice To Hear I Love You

One of my crack smoking clients professed his love for me to one of my colleagues today. Apparently we have really interesting conversations and I smell good...or something like that.

My colleagues tease me because I always find myself in situations requiring hugging a crying stranger in the courthouse bathroom, or gentle rejections of marriage proposals. I made a homeless guy an egg sandwich a few weeks ago, and included in his lunch bag carrots, yoghurt, V-8, and multivitamins - they teased me about that for weeks. But, I'm sorry, doncha think that the homeless guy - of all people - could use a few multivitamins. The other day I interviewed a client with some serious anger issues - beats his girlfriend, and the police, and the postal workers...shit like that. I was in the office with my two beefy frat boy colleagues, and they were hovering outside the interview room waiting for him to launch himself across the desk aiming to strangle me. He didn't...he wound up crying instead. My frat-boys promptly bestowed upon me the award for best interview of the summer. Meh...everyone has their issues.

It's nice to be loved...even by druggies with criminal records as long as my arm. Probably won't take them home to Mom...generally want to use hand sanitizer after our meetings...but it's still nice to be loved.

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