Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Some Kind of Warped Radar?

Why is it that men wait until you have moved on and are happy with a new guy to come back and say all the things you wanted them to say while you were together?

Is it some kind of twisted radar...they sense that you are happy or that you're seeing someone new and they take that as their cue to come sweeping back into your life?

I'm not trying to be bitter or spiteful...I'm honestly curious. I didn't say a damn thing to guy #1 about guy #2. Not a damn thing. So how does he know??

When it rains it truly does pour...that's the truth of it...relationships cycle in monsoons and droughts. Why is it that the monsoon season coincides with exams...that's really my question.

And why does it have to be so damn cold here...I just want to set up a command station from my bed and never leave.


Terry said...

I can't speak for all men, but I think a lot of it is when we realize that you're actually able to move on without us, it triggers instant "seller's remorse", if you will. We realize what we lost and we have to try to get it back. My second theory is that most of us guys are just retarded.

Eve said...

I like the second theory. Just kidding.